Water supply back to normal after completion maintenance at Hazelmere Water Works and La Mercy Reservoir Pipeline ahead of schedule -Saturday, 21 October 2023

uMngeni-uThukela has successfully completed the maintenance of one of its clarifiers at the Hazelmere Water Treatment Plant and the installation of a pipe spool to the La Mercy Reservoir pipeline.

In the first instance, uMngeni-uThukela had estimated that the cleaning of its clarifier would commence on Friday, 20 October until Monday, 23 October 2023.

However, the work was completed well ahead of schedule on Saturday, 21 October 2023.
Water is now being pumped normally to those parts of the Ilembe District, eThekwini Metro, and the Siza Water concession area that had been affected by the maintenance shutdown
The following areas are now back to a normal supply of water.

Ilembe District

  • Avondale
  • Ndwedwe

EThekwini Metro

  • Waterloo
  • Verulam
  • La Mercy

In the second instance, Umngeni-uThukela also completed on schedule the installation of a pipe spool on the La Mercy Reservoir pipeline. The water supply was fully restored on Friday, 20 October 2023 at 16h00.

The following areas are now back to a normal water supply.

  • La Mercy
  • Seatides
  • Westbrook
  • Nyaninga

uMngeni-uThukela Water would like to thank all its customers, stakeholders, and the public for their patience and understanding during the maintenance shutdown.

Issued by: Office of the Chief Executive, Corporate Stakeholder Management Unit


Isaziso somphakathi

Ukubuyela esimweni kokuphakwa kwamanzi eHazelmere Water Works kanye nepayipi eliphakela amanzi iLa Mercy Reservoir – uMgqibelo, 21 Okthoba 2023.

uMngeni-uThukela Water usuwuphothulile umsebenzi wokuhlanzwa kwelinye lamathangi amakhulukazi kwisiphehlimanzi iHazelmere Water Treatment Works kanye nokulungiswa kwepayipi eLa Mercy Resevior.

Lo msebenzi oqale ngoLwesihlanu womhlaka 20 Okthoba 2023 bekubhekeke ukuthi uphothulwe ngoMsombuluko womhlaka 23 Okthoba 2023 kepha sikwazile ukuwuphothula ngempumelelo ngoMgqibelo womhlaka 21 Okthoba 2023.

Lokhu kwaphoqa ukuthi kuvalwe isikhashana kwesiphehlimanzi saseHazelmere nokwathikameza ukuphakwa kwamanzi ezingxenyeni zikaMasipala wesifunda iLembe kanye noMasipala omkhulu weTheku.

Amanzi asebuyelile ekuphakweni ngokujwayelekile kulezizindawo ezilandelayo.

UMasipala wesifunda Ilembe

  • Avondale
  • Ndwedwe

UMasipala Omkhulu weTheku

  • Waterloo
  • Verulam
  • La Mercy

Esigabeni sesibili somsebenzi, Umngeni-uThukela uphinde waqeda ngesikhathi ukuxhunywa kwesiqeshana sepayipi elibheke eLa Mercy Reservior.
Lo msebenzi uphothulwe ntambama ngoLwesihlanu, 20 Okthoba 2023 kanti amanzi asephakwa ngokujwayelekile kulezindawo ezilandelayo

  • La Mercy
  • Seatides
  • Westbrook
  • Nyaninga

uMngeni-uThukela Water udlulisa ukubonga okukhulu emphakathini kanye nakumakhasimende awo ngokuwubekezelela ngesikhathi kuqhutshwa lo msebenzi.

Isaziso sivela kuphiko lokuXhumana namaKhasimende, iHhovisi leSikhulu Esiphezulu, uMngeni-uThukela Water